Think loval, be local

Local businesses will be promoting a West End Christmas stocking

Westender with local chambers of commerce will be supporting local businesses in a buy local campaign this Christmas.

Small, independent stores matter-West End’s vibrancy and energy is reflected in our retailers. The hundreds of local, small and independent stores along Montague Rd, Boundary & Melbourne Streets serve us well. Lets Keep it that way-Celebrate our Small, Independent Stores

To have your say in how your local business association works, join up and make a difference. See Westender’s run down on the local chambers of commerce.

Join us at the Croquet Club in Cordelia St, West End on Thursday 10th October at 7pm to plan this campaign in detail. The incoming executive of the West End Trader’s Association will be on hand to hear your ideas, and put them into the plan that will come out of that meeting.

Who knows, you might even want to put your hand up to take a seat on the board.

Whatever your ambition, get along and make sure this Christmas shopping campaign works for you.