Friday 21st March is World Poetry Day and some local businesses are hiring a performance poet to perform at their portal, serenading shoppers as they slip in to spend up. Westender, Bent Books and the Kurilpa Poets are pushing poetry with a regular Poet of the Month prize provided by Bent Books, a performance poetry festa at the Boundary Hotel next Friday at 6pm and an afternoon of street performance.

Local businesses that have already signed up to put a poet on their doorstep include Terry White. Mary Fotinos said that she loves to support local creative people as long as they don’t wear boxer shorts that might upset her more conservative customers. The mind boggles at the sort of poetry readings the Fotinos family frequent.

For a run down on other poetry related activities of late check the Westender website

If you want to put a loose c-note toward feeding a poet, please let us know using the comment form below.