Community groups have welcomed the in Australian Government’s decision to prevent super trawlers operating in our waters until science and consultation can demonstrate they will not damage our marine life and fisheries.
“Environment and fishing groups welcome the Government’s announcement that they will stop this super trawler and protect our marine life. Community concerns about this super trawler have been overwhelming. We expect to see this bill to result in a permanent ban on super trawlers in Australia following the science and consultation period,” said Rebecca Hubbard, Environment Tasmania’s Marine Coordinator.
“It is excellent to see Australia taking a global lead in addressing the massive impacts that super trawlers have on our oceans and fisheries. Super trawlers like the Margiris are one of the greatest drivers of overfishing – there are too many oversized boats chasing too few fish,” said Nathaniel Pelle, Greenpeace Oceans Campaigner.
“Right from the start we believed that this vessel outdated the harvest strategy. The sheer efficiency of this vessel means that the science needed to be rock solid before any fishing occurred in this fishery – a fishery which is critical to game fishing across Australia”, said Nobby Clarke, President of the Tuna Fishers Club.
“The fact that the super trawler now has no quota to fish in Australian waters means Australia’s threatened marine life gets a stay of execution,” said Tooni Mahto, Australian Marine Conservation Society’s Marine campaigner.
“We’re pleased to see the Federal Environment and Fisheries Ministers have worked together to stop this vessel fishing for now, and preventing the mortality of seals, dolphins and seabirds. The review of the Fisheries Management Act is a significant and very welcome announcement from the Fisheries Minister, Joe Ludwig,” Miss Mahto continued.
“This campaign has brought together 93,000 people from all walks of life including environment and recreational fishing groups. This win just shows that if we work together we can protect the places that we love,” said Ms Hubbard.
“We also look forward to the review to update the fisheries management legislation announced by Minister Joe Ludwig today,” concluded Ms Hubbard.
The Stop the Super Trawler Alliance is made up of over 13 fishing and environment groups united to stop the super trawler fishing Australia waters.