There’s a new call for Premier Newman and the Member for Bundaberg Jack Dempsey to ban job cuts and services cuts across Bundaberg, Maryborough and the Wide Bay region.
The move follows the Newman Government’s decision to axe more than 100 people working for Bundaberg, Hervey Bay and Maryborough residents at QH Health and Home Care services.
Together Central organiser Donna Webster said today, “It’s enough to drive you to tears. Our community is still reeling from the latest historic disaster at Bundaberg, plus Maryborough, and the Newman Government axes the jobs of all the aged care and aged care home services workers including admin and home care co-ordinators.
“People have lost their homes and today they lost their jobs without consultation, people who are distressed, angry, people with bleak local jobs prospects after May 31.
“The Newman government has sent out the orders, they are selling our state assets including the aged care homes plus the public services for elderly people in their homes.
“Management has told these home care workers they have no choice, it’s forced redundancies and their last day at work will be June 2.
“We in Bundaberg, Maryborough, Wide Bay region call on the Premier to stop the job cuts now, place a moratorium, the economic situation in our town is dire and desperate, the Premier can stop this now.
“The Newman government says it’s ‘buying out of the business’ of aged care and aged care home services while the Wide Bay business sector is broken.
“The state member Jack Dempsey has been missing in action for months, he has to help us put a moratorium on, we need jobs not job cuts now Bundaberg and Maryborough have been hit by disaster.
“Why is Mr Dempsey supporting them losing their jobs, these are the lowest paid workers in our community.
“Meanwhile there’s more than 800 Bundaberg, Maryborough, Wide Bay residents who are trying to get by, living with various challenges and disabilities who deserve a say about the people who are assisting them in their homes.”
Together Secretary Alex Scott said today, “As a state we must do better than the Newman government cutting jobs, throwing people into unemployment and leaving hundreds of home care clients in the lurch after Bundaberg and Maryborough have been smashed by disaster.
“We are calling on the Newman government to return Queensland health funding for public health services to its previous levels.”