PIPNewFarmAs state and federal governments grapple to implement policies to curb the rates of violence against women, the next Politics in the Pub fron New Farm Neighbourhood Centre   asks for the community’s opinion on who should be responsible for stopping the violence.

Politics in the Pub will host expert speakers in the field to address the key factors at play in violence against women and to take direct questions from the community. It is a chance to gain a background knowledge of the multifaceted and complex factors contributing to domestic violence in Australia and to ask the question – where does the responsibility lie?

According to the UN, one in three women in Australia has experienced violence at the hands of a family member or partner, a figure which is disproportionately represented by women from indigenous and marginalised communities. Violence is one of the leading causes of death for Australian women.

Speakers will include Anne Cross (QLD Government Domestic and Family Violence Taskforce), Ian Leavers (President of the QLD Police Union ), Kylie Robertson (Brisbane Domestic Violence Service), Zoe Rathus AM (Director of the Legal Clinic, Griffith University Law School) and Timothy Class-Auliff (Ambassador , White Ribbon).

The New Farm Neighbourhood Centre, a program of Communify Queensland, has been hosting Politics in the Pub events for 15 years with each event offering a different issue in which all members of the community can engage in, debate and discuss.

The event will be held on Wednesday May 20 at the Turbine Platform, Brisbane Powerhouse from 6-8pm.

All are welcome and encouraged to participate in this free event.