An Internet application able to run on a smartphone, tablet or computer has been developed by the People Decide group to inform their representatives, and can be previewed on their website. It will be ready to be used by Griffith constituents by the Federal election on 2nd July.
The App will display Parliament’s legislation agenda and you will be able to download the relevant documentation. Constituents will be able to vote on the App. The representative is bound to follow the majority view in his voting in Parliament.
Karel Boele is an independent candidate for the Division of Griffith. People Decide are a group of independent candidates who meet informally in Woolloongabba.
‘I am passionate about true democracy,’ he says. ‘If I am elected I will ask Griffith voters to inform me of their position on every Federal bill. I will always vote in Parliament according to the majority on each bill.’
‘A People Decide representative would obey a majority of constituents on each bill separately, regardless of which party sponsored it.’
Before long it will be possible to vote online from home in plebiscites on many matters, without involvement of representatives. Our App is the first step.’
Constituents would have a real say on each bill tabled for the legislature to enact. ‘Participative’ or ‘direct’ democracy is new in Australia but is used in several countries, including Switzerland.
To access the prototype of the App visit