Spring is high season for swooping magpie attacks and the Australian Veterinary Association (AVA) is warning people to take precautions around places where magpies nest.
Native birds such as Australian Magpies are highly protective of their eggs, nest and young and will often swoop at unsuspecting passers-by if they feel threatened.
President of the AVA’s Avian special interest group, Dr Kimberley Earl said that some magpies can become highly aggressive during breeding season, from late August to early October.
“Tolerance is the best policy. We need to appreciate that some magpies will defend their territory from intruders because of a natural instinct to protect their offspring.
“Fast moving objects such as people on bikes and anyone who moves towards their nests are perceived as threats and are likely to be swooped on. Dog walkers are also a common target.
“Other native Australian birds that are also common culprits include butcherbirds, kookaburras and plovers, but even invasive species like Indian Mynas can attack at this time of year,” she said.
“Think about using different pathways because moving the bird is not an option. Wildlife is protected and this type of action can lead to a more serious attack and in some cases, the death of the bird.”
Other tips include:
· Wear a hat or carry a stick or umbrella which can be raised to fend off a sustained attack.
· Cyclists should wear a helmet, dismount and walk through the area.
· Draw a pair of eyes and attach to the back of hats and helmets, as birds may be less likely to attack if they think you are watching them.
· Don’t interfere with or throw stones at birds. This may give them added reason to see humans as a threat and increase swooping behaviour.
· Put up warning signs for others who may not be aware there are swooping birds in the area, or ask your council to do so.
“We’re lucky to live in a country where we share our suburbs with such amazing birds, so we simply need to find a way to live in harmony,” Dr Earl said.