Perfect Potion has formulated a very special range of certified organic olive oil delicacies from Palestine, in partnership with Canaan Fair Trade, to support and empower Palestinian rural communities caught in conflict.

The fair trade concept ensures sustainable prices are paid for the small farmers’ agricultural products as well as fair wages for labour along the supply chain. A cross-cultural, interfaith and multi-ethnic connection between all participants is vital to this process.

The certified organic, extra-virgin cold pressed olive oil is harvested from orchards in the West Bank areas of Jenin, Nablus, Salfit and Ramallah and the trees are farmed sustainably in the traditional manner from family trees on ancient stone terraces.

Perfect Potion will support over 1,700 Palestinian small farmers through the use of the certified organic olive oil from the historic Nabali olive tree (the native olive tree of Palestine) in this range of skin care products – including Pure Olive Oil (250ml for $16.95), Olive Oil Cleansing Milk (125ml for $15.95), Olive Oil Body Lotion (125ml for $15.95), Olive Oil Hand Cream (100g for $27.95), Olive Oil Soap (85g $8.95) and Olive Oil Lip Balm (4.5g tube for $14.95).

Perfect Potion co-founder and creative director, Carolyn Stubbin, spent some time olive picking in Palestine to assist the small farmers and this is where the inspiration developed for the new product range.

“After spending some time in Palestine seeing the situation first hand I knew I wanted to further support the small farmers and being an owner of a skin care company it was a simple decision to decide to develop the olive oil range with the help of Canaan Fair Trade,” Ms Stubbin said.

“We are so excited to have this range available for our customers as not only is it supporting a great cause but the products are one-of-a kind and so nourishing to the skin,” she said.

The olive oil products feature certified natural and certified organic ingredients and contain a fusion of orange and sage pure essential oils whose aromas are reminiscent of the fields of Palestine.

For more information please visit your local Perfect Potion concept store or visit the online store at

For more information on Canaan Fair Trade please visit