When it comes to looking into your make-up collection sometimes your best friend could be your worst enemy. One word could be all the motivation you need to have a good de-clutter of your make-up. That word is ‘bacteria’. I’ve personally never been one to hoard make-up, when I run out of something I replace it – simple, but make-up does expire and although all cosmetics should have their shelf life written on the packet, once you have discarded that packet it can be hard to monitor. On some products you may find a picture of a lid with a code inside it e.g. 12M means twelve months, but as only we know when we started using the product, it’s up to us to keep track. There are a few ways to do this. You could keep a note in your diary, e.g. on the date 6 months from purchase write “dump Blush Rose lipstick” (but that’s far too organised for even me!). I think the easiest way is to keep a piece of paper in a tiny clip-lock bag in with your makeup for easy referral. On this you can note down the product alongside the purchase date. It can also be handy to write down place of purchase just in case a few months down the line you have trouble replacing a favourite colour lippy. The clip-lock bag is basically to protect the list from dirt & wear.

So how long should we keep our make-up?

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© 2012 Angela Miller-Davis. For more tips, ideas and links, visit the Less Equals More Blog and keep up to date by hitting the Like button to follow us on Facebook. Angela Miller-Davis is a Professional Organiser based on the Gold Coast, who helps people to find solutions for an organised lifestyle and is a member of NAPO (National Association of Professional Organisers).