A common question. What you can count on as the years go by however, is less artwork being produced. Quality will eventually replace quantity. I find the best way to win cooperation is to make a game of the process while teaching life experiences via setting boundaries.
Phase 1: “Monthly Gallery”Display items produced in the current month on either a small area of wall or on the child’s bedroom door. Use about 5 old frames of varying sizes, brightly paint the frames and remove the glass. Use small pieces of removable masking tape to tape into frames from behind. Above and below the frames, add 2 widths of tension wire or string, and use for pegging other items. Buy a large plastic crate with a lid to store and display awkward craft projects near the hung items. Rational: To respect and appreciate the artist’s work for the current month.
© 2012 Angela Miller-Davis. For more tips, ideas and links, visit the Less Equals More Blog and keep up to date by hitting the Like button to follow us on Facebook. Angela Miller-Davis is a Professional Organiser based on the Gold Coast, who helps people to find solutions for an organised lifestyle and is a member of NAPO (National Association of Professional Organisers).