Photo: Jimmy Wall

Photo: Jimmy Wall

Supporters of Sheila Oakley wanting the identity released of the police officer who shot a taser barb in her left eye marched to Logan police station today.

Before walking to the police station the supporters had gathered outside her home on Jacaranda Avenue.

Ms Okaley’s brother Joseph thanked everyone showing up to support his sister.

“They are still wearing it [the taser]. I’m just not too happy with that.”

Sam Watson said they are demanding to learn the identity of the police officer who tasered Ms Oakley, to have him suspended immediately, an urgent investigation to be set in motion and that he should be charged for assault causing grievous bodily harm.

“We are going to give the police seven days to respond to these demands.”

Ms Oakley said she was grateful for everyone coming to show their support before the marched started.

“Thank you very much.”

Photo: Jimmy Wall

Photo: Jimmy Wall

After Ms Oakley handed in the petition with demands to the Superintendent at Logan police station the supporters walked back on Jacaranda Avenue towards her home.

A smaller group decided to continue the march from Jacaranda Avenue on to Railway Parade. Then to Station Road using the underpass at Woodridge Station.

Continuing down Croydon Road to end their march at Ewing Park.

All the way from Logan police station they had police escort.



Photo: Jimmy Wall

Photo: Jimmy Wall

Photo: Jimmy Wall

Photo: Jimmy Wall

Photo: Jimmy Wall

Photo: Jimmy Wall

Photo: Jimmy Wall

Photo: Jimmy Wall

Photo: Jimmy Wall

Photo: Jimmy Wall

Photo: Jimmy Wall

Photo: Jimmy Wall