Mother’s Day Classic – Australia’s largest Mother’s Day event – is now open for registration.
Families, friends and fans of fitness can choose from a record 104 event locations to participate in this year’s Women in Super Mother’s Day Classic, Australia’s largest breast cancer research fundraiser.
Registrations are open now for the event, which takes place on Sunday May 10 (Mother’s Day). Find the location nearest you at, where you can register, volunteer or donate online.
The Mother’s Day Classic, now in its 18th year, raises money for research into breast cancer, a disease which impacts one in 8 Australian women.
In addition to 12 metropolitan events covering every capital city, this year there are a record 92 regional events – in every state and territory, from a Tennant Creek cattle station in the Northern Territory to Ararat in Victoria and Broken Hill in NSW, along with many major regional areas throughout Australia.
The event, initiated by Women in Super, will this year pass the $25 million mark in funds raised for National Breast Cancer Foundation research, achieving a lasting impact on survival statistics and providing research answers for a range of other cancers.
Mother’s Day Classic national chair, Louise Davidson, said 8500 families across Australia participated together in the event last year and she expected this number to increase in 2015.
“Our event honours those who have faced breast cancer, yet we are also getting increasing numbers of participants with no direct links to the disease. They want to take part because they recognise that this is a great cause and a wonderful, healthy family activity to do together,” Ms Davidson said.
“Those looking for an appreciated present for Mother’s Day should check with Mum about registration.
“Many Mums tell us that this is the present they want, more so than noodle necklaces or novelty bedsocks. It’s a fun family activity that supports vital research, providing Mums and their loved ones with a meaningful way to mark Mother’s Day.
Ms Davidson said while anyone attending a Mother’s Day Classic will see festive dress-ups and an abundance of pink, this doesn’t change the serious undertone of why the event exists in the first place.
“For every pink wig and tutu out on the course, there will be participants wearing tribute cards to honour loved ones living with breast cancer and remember those lost to the disease,” Ms Davidson said.
“We try to make Mother’s Day Classic a fun and memorable day out, but we never lose sight of our purpose.
“We’d encourage all ages and levels of fitness to get involved – it doesn’t matter how you walk or run, or even how fast, it just matters why.”