flower_smiley_faceCelebrate the International Day of Happiness on March 20th with an Act of Happiness

The quest for happiness is one that everyone strives for—and that everyone can achieve—regardless of where we live or how we define it. Recognizing the importance of happiness as part of the human condition and the key to a more inclusive, balanced approach to economic growth, the General Assembly of the UN has declared March 20th the International Day of Happiness.

Mark your calendars because happiness can change the world and March 20th is just the start. To coincide with the United Nations’ International Day of Happiness, US-based Live Happy is leading the second annual Acts of Happiness campaign with the goal of getting 100,000 people dedicated to building happiness in 2014.

To celebrate, Acts of Happiness walls will be built in cities across the U.S., including New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta and Dallas, with a virtual wall of happiness at actsofhappiness.org. You can even organize your own happiness wall in your community as well. Everyone is invited to participate by sharing, posting and pledging how people are making the world around them a happier place. Go to ActsofHappiness.Org to pledge your #happyacts.