The Westender has an open invitation to each of the elected representatives across the three levels of Government to provide a regular update to the electorate. Amy MacMahon provides her January update below.
It’s been a challenging start to the year for many in our local community. Over the last two years, the state and federal governments assured us that they were working hard, preparing for our health and hospital systems for this moment. But over the last six weeks, it’s become increasingly clear that this wasn’t the case.
I’ve heard some harrowing stories over the last few weeks. People have told me about how they’ve struggled to get COVID tests for their grandparents or about how they’ve lost hours at work while getting no financial assistance. Others have told me about how they tested positive for COVID and received no health support or information about where they should seek help.
While I understand that the emergence of the Omicron variant has created significant new challenges, it’s clear that the state and federal government have left our public hospitals and health system under-resourced to deal with this pandemic. As well as advocating the Prime Minister, Premier and Minister for Health for a rapid boost of funding across the entire pandemic response my office has been focusing a lot of our time and energy supporting locals during this challenging time.
Over the last few years, the Greens have built a small army of volunteers here in South Brisbane – I imagine many of you have had a friendly Greens volunteer pop by for a chat. Max Chandler-Mather, the candidate for Griffith, and I have been putting our volunteer army to good use by launching a COVID-19 Community Help service. Our amazing volunteers are helping locals access groceries, medications and other essentials while isolating.
If you need supplies, we can either:
- Drop you a basics box of food to help you get through the next little bit
- Pick up a Click & Collect order for you from Woolworth or Coles and drop it at to your door
- If there’s something else you need to be dropped off, get in touch and we’ll do our best to help
Delivery will be contactless, and our volunteers will take great care to keep you and our community safe. You can sign up online at, or you can call my office for more information or (07) 3724 9100.
My office can also help with information about accessing COVID-19 tests, what to do if you test positive to COVID-19 and how to get a booster. We can also provide up-to-date advice on any government financial support that’s available (sadly, it’s disgustingly limited at the moment!)
If you’re ever unsure, don’t sit at home alone and worried; please reach out to my office at (07) 3724 9100 or, and we’ll find you the information you need.
Local parents and teachers have reached out to me with concerns about the safety of classrooms when school returns and have given me suggestions of how the state government could make the start of the school year safer for teachers, kids and families. They stressed the need for ventilation audits for all classrooms, HEPA air purifiers, n95 masks for teachers and free RAT tests for staff and students. Last week I wrote to the Education Minister urging her to take the opportunity of the delayed start to in-person teaching this year and get these measures in place. If you’re interested, you can read the full letter here .
If there’s anything else you’d like to see me advocating for as your local MP, please get in touch.
My office will remain open for walk-ins to ensure we’re as accessible as possible during this tough time for our community. However, we would prefer if you can call or email instead of popping by if possible. Minimising contact will help keep our community safe, and help keep my office open and available for anyone who needs us.”