October 15 to 21 is Anti Poverty Week, a time when all Australians are encouraged to do something about ending poverty.

The main aims of Anti-Poverty Week are to strengthen public understanding of the causes and consequences of poverty and hardship around the world and in Australia, and to encourage research, discussion and action to address these problems, including action by individuals, communities, organisations and governments.

Hundreds of events and activities will take place around Australia, bringing together community organisations, concerned individuals and government agencies and are designed to get people thinking about, and doing something about, poverty and inequality.

There are many events planned for Queensland, including two being held here in Brisbane, organised by Micah Projects.

On Sunday 15 October from 10 am, Micah Projects is holding an Inclusive Communities Fun Day at Souths Leagues Club in Davies Park, South Brisbane.

Inclusive, connected communities make better neighbourhoods, and people from all over Brisbane are gathering to enjoy food stalls, education stalls, games, activities and entertainment. Entry is Free with lots of free and low-cost activities, food and drinks to enjoy.

Then, from 9.30 am on Tuesday 17 October, Micah Projects is also conducting a Public Forum on Ending Poverty and Inequality in Queensland at The Edge Auditorium, State Library.

Confirmed speakers include Dr Richard Denniss, Chief Economist of The Australia Institute, Dr Cassandra Goldie, CEO, Australian Council of Social Services (ACOSS), Jackie Trad, Deputy Premier and Member for South Brisbane and Karyn Walsh, CEO of Micah Projects.  Emcee will be Kay McGrath.

Full details of all the events around Queensland can be found at http://www.antipovertyweek.org.au/calendar-of-activities-2017

Queenslanders from all walks of life are encouraged to attend an Anti Poverty Week event, and engage in a meaningful public conversation on the issues surrounding poverty.

More info: https://www.facebook.com/AntiPovertyWeekQueensland/