Action on Queensland’s growing rubbish problem is an important task that will benefit Queenslanders, jobs and the environment, environment groups said today, in response to statements by the LNP deriding Queensland government programs announced on World Oceans Day to combat plastic and drink container pollution.*
Ian Kiernan, AO, Chairman of Clean Up Australia said: “The LNP is talking rubbish because cleaning up the environment with a container deposit system will create hundreds of jobs and deliver millions of dollars to charities (who help the disadvantaged) as well as local sports clubs. We know Cash for Containers and plastic bag bans work – unlike the failed policies of the LNP when they were in government.”
Jeff Angel, Convenor and Director of the Boomerang Alliance of 32 groups said: “The LNP needs to better inform itself. It seems to have swallowed beverage industry propaganda rather than take a reasoned and objective view. The facts are that a returnable deposit does not increase the cost of living and the recent government investigations found the financial cost on households to be zero. We would be happy to give the LNP the facts.”
“Since the announcement by the government that it will be investigating a container deposit system to tackle the billions of drink containers littered or landfilled every year – the community support has been outstanding and our campaign is growing week by week across the state. The LNP is making themselves a target for community outrage.”
Toby Hutcheon, for the Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland said: “Taken together, a container deposit scheme and plastic bag ban will help stop Queensland becoming known as the rubbish state. It is the only state with increasing litter and declining recycling. If you want to maintain our treasured tourist reputation and jobs, you need a clean state. These programs work in SA without a cost of living burden.”
* Deputy Opposition Leader, John-Paul Langbroek: ‘the government should prioritise humans over environmental needs” in response to government announcements on CD and bags (Yahoo News, 8/6/15.)