Atop the hill West of Boundary St, 98.9 is the centre of Country Music and indigenous broadcasting in West End
As part of its relentless counter reformation campaign to eliminate all forms of community service and put the corporations and churches in charge of all aspects of our daily lives, the Federal Government is proposing to cut all funding to Community Radio.
West End community radio station, 98.9 FM is an integral part of the local community, especially those who like Country Music. Brisbane’s famous 4zzzFM is not just a great supporter of live music and local culture, it has a long and powerful tradition of bringing down governments and exposing corruption, oppression and wrongdoing.
It is the effectiveness of community radio that has it firmly in the government’s sights.
A year ago, a strong grass roots campaign reversed a proposed decision by the Gillard/Rudd Government to cut funding to the program to make community radio digital. This government is planning to cut funding altogether.
In response, the Community Broadcasters Association is calling on you to take action.
Our community radio stations are at serious risk.
The Commission of Audit last week recommended that funding for the Community Broadcasting Program be scrapped.
The Government is set to hand down its Federal Budget on Tuesday. If the Government adopts the Commission of Audit’s recommendation in the budget, we could see community radio stations across the country forced off air.
Will you help protect our community radio stations by emailing the Treasurer now?
We have less than five days to ensure cuts to community radio stations don’t end up in the budget.
Take a minute right now to email the Treasurer Joe Hockey and tell him that our community radio stations are too important to be put on the scrap heap.
We know that community radio is an integral part of the Australian broadcasting landscape. Community radio provides vital content for so many different communities, especially Indigenous, ethnic, seniors, youth, the vision impaired, religious, and the arts communities.
We can’t afford to lose any of the stations who provide local content that commercial and public broadcasters can’t or won’t cater for.
Help protect our community radio stations by clicking here to email the Treasurer.
Thanks for your support,
Adrian Basso,
President, Community Broadcasting Association of Australia and the Commit to Community Radio team