The Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner has announced today that more than $40 million of Federally-funded infrastructure projects will soon get underway across Brisbane’s suburbs, with residents south of the river set to reap benefits.

Cr Schrinner said the boost was made possible thanks to an additional $40.7 million from the Morrison Government through the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) grants.

“Through this grant round, we’ve been able to commit to a really diverse range of 41 projects across Brisbane with four projects set to improve much-loved community facilities and parks in South Brisbane and West End.

Musgrave Park pool in South Brisbane will receive a $190,000 boost to fund the addition of a floating divider to separate the 50 metre pool into two 25 metre pool sections.

“With attendance numbers doubling in the past six years, the upgrade will ensure water polo, squads and schools training activities and games don’t interrupt public use of the pool for leisure.

“An $850,000 grant will help put the finishing touches on the Davies Park upgrade in West End earlier than expected.

“Final improvements include a new nature-themed play space, new circular pathway connecting the Village Green to the multi-use games area and a new pathway connecting the park to Riverside Drive.

“A $150,000 boost will enhance Musgrave Park tennis court in South Brisbane with new lighting to increase safety and ensure it can be used by the community at both day and at night.

“We know Brisbane is home to many tight-knit communities and we are pleased to see a $50,000 boost help complete important repairs to Kurilpa Hall in West End.”

Cr Schrinner said the grants funded projects both big and small, and provided a much-needed economic boost to Brisbane as it recovered from the COVID-19 pandemic.

“These local projects put money into the pockets of local suppliers and residents, with all projects to support an additional 320 jobs throughout 2021.

“Alongside supporting a year’s worth of employment, the projects will also support to local businesses and industry around Brisbane.

“As we finally start to see the light off the back of the effects felt from the coronavirus pandemic, it’s more important than ever that the Schrinner Council Administration is committed to creating and supporting opportunities that stimulate the local economy.

“Significant progress has been made with the LRCI Phase 1 which Council received $11.7 million of funding from the Australian Government, with many projects commenced and completion due by June 2021, supporting 64 jobs when we needed them most.”

Federal Member for Brisbane Trevor Evans said the federal funding will deliver dozens of vital infrastructure projects right across Brisbane and support hundreds of local jobs.

“Now more than ever, it’s essential that the different levels of government work closely together to help drive the economic recovery,” Mr Evans said.

“This is a great collaboration between Brisbane City Council and the Morrison Government to deliver practical and lasting benefits for our city”.

These projects are funded by the Australian Government.

In summary, the projects in South Brisbane and West End as part of the grants are:

  • Kurilpa Hall, West End – $50,000 – repair and upgrade works
  • Musgrave Park Tennis Court, South Brisbane – $150,000 – upgrade lighting
  • Musgrave Park Swimming Centre, South Brisbane – $190,000 – upgrade to improve useability
  • Davies Park, Montague Road – $850,000 – new play spaces and accessibility paths

Feature Image by Jan Bowman