Local community organisations Micah Projects, ANTaR, Oxfam, ATSICHS and West End Community House are celebrating Close the Gap Day on Thursday 16th March, 2017, with a number of events planned for the small park at 161 Boundary Street, West End, between 11 am and 2 pm.
Local community worker and Elder Sam Watson will get things underway with a rousing call to action, and there will be other guest speakers.
There will be a range of informative and educational material highlighting the gap in life expectancy – and other key benchmarks – between Indigenous people and the greater community.
Kylie Waldron from ANTaR will be conducting a Yarning Circle where the main topic of conversation will, naturally enough, be what we can all do to Close the Gap. (Location to be announced.)
A representative from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Health Service will report on the steps being taken to improve indigenous health locally, and a clinical nurse from Micah Projects’ Inclusive Health program will be offering free health checks.
There will also be kids’ activities and a hands-on art project where well-wishers will be invited to express their support visually for Closing the Gap, and a petition will be available for guests and passers by to sign.
Musical entertainment will be provided by Close the Gap Day stalwarts Rod Tyson, Jenny Pineapple and the West End Community House music group and others, and there will be a free sausage sizzle provided by a local business house.