brisbane_specimen_01 croppedQueensland’s Troy Leinster has designed a laid-back, informal typeface which, he says, typifies Brisbane.

Troy Leinster was chosen from approximately 200 applicants worldwide to complete a Masters of Design in Type and Media at the Royal Academy of Art (KABK) in The Hague, Netherlands. Now an internationally accredited graphic designer, he is the 4th Australian and 1st Queenslander to have ever completed this Masters degree.

Applying his rare talent to develop his latest project, Troy has created a contemporary typeface entitled ‘Brisbane,’ to refresh the look and feel of our sunny city.

‘Brisbane’ is laid-back, informal and self-assured, much like the city’s genuine, down-to-earth citizens. It was primarily designed to tidy up the various styles of typefaces currently used throughout the city, but also has the potential to be adopted as our city’s official font.

The ‘Brisbane’ typeface family is a sans serif with a range of three weights in five styles, plus accompanying optical grades for inverted use. This range makes it a promising contender for orientation systems in the city and suburbs.

Receiving international recognition, this project has been showcased at KABK in The Hague and also at a gallery in Berlin. Troy’s local innovation will also be exhibited here in Brisbane during 30 September – 6 October by the Australian Graphic Design Association (AGDA).

Before studying Type and Media at KABK, Designer Troy Leinster completed the type design unit at Monash University in Melbourne, followed by the condensed type design program at Cooper Union in New York.

Currently based in Amsterdam, Troy will be attending the upcoming exhibition in Brisbane.

For more information, please see:

Brisbane, the typeface

Troy’s process book for ‘Brisbane’:

The Berlin exhibition:

Further Royal Academy of Art (KABK) course information: