
Enjoying the ambience -and the food

Just when you thought that the last thing West End needed was yet another Thai restaurant, along comes Soi 9 Thai in Hardgrave Road to overturn all your preconceptions.

The Westender was one of the first through the door on the day they opened, and we’ve been back frequently – sometimes twice a day! – ever since. We’ve also been raving about it endlessly to all our friends.

According to proprietress Pla, Soi 9 aims to offer a range of different cuisines representative of the different regions of Thailand. That same theme extends to the decor as well, with furniture and seating reflecting different regional styles.

We’ve given the menu a good workout in recent days, and have found every dish a delight.

We were particularly taken with the Tofu Sweet and Sour with Tamarind Sauce, melt-in-the-mouth creamy softness with a crispy exterior, anointed with a dark, syrupy Tamarind sauce.

Other pleasant surprises were the Pla Rama Long Son (battered chicken with peanut sauce), Duck, Basil and Chilli and the Sweet and Sour Crispy Pork.

The Entrees menu is equally inviting, and deserves closer attention. Of the fifteen entrees listed, we’ve only tried half a dozen to date, and are looking forward to further exploration.

The decor is bright and cheerful, the service is excellent and the meals are presented so they look just as good as they taste.

All in all, Soi 9 Thai is a worthy addition to the local restaurant scene, and can only add to West End’s growing reputation as Brisbane’s premier dining destination.

Get in quick before it becomes too popular, and you have to book days in advance.

Soi 9 Thai
65 Hardgrave Road West End
Tel: 3846 5585
Open 7 Days
BYO License