Justice poster croppedForgotten Australians & Former Child Migrants living in South Queensland were invited to create a work of art in response to the theme “What is Justice?” within a 20x20cm wooden box. Lotus Place held creative workshops during August to support participants in responding to a theme which is particularly confronting for survivors who have experienced a lack of justice for the trauma, neglect and abuse inflicted upon them in their early years and the resulting effects of these circumstances.

It is estimated 500,000 children spent their childhood in more than 800 children’s homes and institutions across Australia throughout the 20th century. On 16th November 2009, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd apologized to the Forgotten Australians on behalf of all Australians, acknowledging this painful and regrettable chapter in our nation’s history.

This year marks 5 years since the apology and 15 years since the Forde Inquiry, making it a perfect opportunity to reflect on the question of justice, an issue that is never far from the minds of Forgotten Australians & Former Child Migrants. This exhibition is a conversation about their justice, whether it is possible and what it might look like.

Opening Reception Friday 12th September 12pm
Exhibition runs Thurs 11 – Sun 14 September. 9am-5pm
Brisbane City Hall, Sherwood Room, 64 Adelaide Street
Guest speakers, light refreshments and performance by FAN Theatre Group “Forgotten No More”


Allan A, B S, Bryan H, Chris B, Colleen S, Danuta S, Debra C, Dee S, Denise P, Dennis D, Diane C, Diane T, Donna S, Eric H, Frank M, Gavan L, Gloria L, Greg L, Hank L, Hanna W, Janette T, Jessie M, Juanita B, Karen H, Karen C, Kathleen B, Katrina W, Kelly B, Kevin D, Lana S, Leonie W, Malcolm V, Margaret M, Margaret H, Marlene W, Mary A, Michael C, Michele U, Noel H, Olga A, Peter C, Robert T, Ruby S, Sherie H, T Collins, Terrencia B, Theresa W and others who wish to remain anonymous.