Young entrepreneurs Toby and Jason Schulz faced an unusual challenge when they decided to wind up their start-up business, MyNappies, and move on to another venture.
What would they do with the stock in hand, thousands of dollars worth of brand new baby goods, furniture and accessories?
Rather than flog it off for next to nothing on eBay or Gumtree, Toby and Jason decided to put the goods to a good cause, so to speak, and donated it to Micah Projects.
Micah Projects had no trouble at all finding good homes for the donated baby goods. Through their Wellspring Hub, Micah Projects have arranged distribution to women and children who are experiencing domestic violence, families who are homeless, and young women who are pregnant and parenting, 25 years and under.
These donations will be used across the Families Cluster teams at Micah Projects, including the Brisbane Domestic Violence Service, the Family Support Team and Young Mothers Young Women team.
According to Hannah Lewin, Leader of Micah Projects’ Families Team, women and children fleeing domestic violence often have to leave without any of their belongings, which include baby items.
Young families experiencing homelessness or vulnerably housed often have to move several times before finding permanent accommodation, and have lost, or had to leave behind, their babies’ belongings.
For the young expectant mothers that Micah Projects supports, these brand new items will allow them to set up a room for their baby before it is born.
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