Kurilpa Bridge in Brisbane, a modern pedestrian and cycling bridge spanning the Brisbane River, with a neat public park and tree in the foreground

Kurilpa Bridge in Brisbane, a modern pedestrian and cycling bridge spanning the Brisbane River, with a neat public park and tree in the foreground

For three years community interests in West End have campaigned for a truly visionary outcome for the Kurilpa Point redesign. This is a unique site of the last remaining significant inner city riverside that needs to serve all of the people of Brisbane.

“It has always been the hope of the community that this opportunity creates in Brisbane an incredible urban neighbourhood ready for the century ahead of us. We remain of that belief,” said Dr Erin Evans President of the West End Community Association.

“We welcome an announcement about the development of the Kurilpa Point area as the key inner city redevelopment site for the City of Brisbane and look forward to continuing to engage with the government in this process,” said Dr Evans.

The West End Community Association led a Kurilpa Point Redesign campaign working in collaboration with planning and cultural experts, the Local Councillor and State Member for significant public space and improvement to public transport with light rail and excellence in tropical design.

“This is an opportunity in an incredibly pressured real estate market that seems incapable of planning its own fortunes let along something as critical as redesigning an amazing city asset.”

The West End Community Association welcomed that the original plan seeing the site as an extension of the CBD in terms of heights and density being torn up by Deputy Premier Jackie Trad, in February 2015.

The community looks forward to having and integral role to ensure that we develop for our future taking advantage of the unique site and its locality adjacent to the cultural precinct.