Councillor Helen Abrahams this morning distributed a summary of and pointer to Brisbane City Council’s fact sheet on the proposed law to give Council officers powers to move people on from Brisbane parks.
Council has now released a Park Fact Sheet that provides greater detail and explanation about park activities that require a permit and when you need to pay a fee.
To access the full Fact Sheet go to the following site, and scroll down to Public Land Local Law 2014 Fact Sheet
However, in spite of the factsheet I always encourage you to contact Council to be sure if you need a permit or not.
About the factsheet
- If you have 20+ people in a natural area or 50+ people in a park you will require a permit.
- A list of other activities in parks that require a permit is provided under the heading standard permit criteria on the fact sheet eg: booking a designated site, erecting a structure over 15m2 in size; access and use of Council’s power; sale or provision of food and drinks including alcohol; driving or parking a vehicle in the park; activities involving animals but not domestic pets.
- Sports will be prohibited in malls but you can still play a game in the park.
- You will also need a permit and to pay a fee if the activity requires the exclusive use of a designated site, or, involves a commercial purpose.
- If the activity does not fall into the standard permit criteria, a permit is still required but no fee applies eg: public speaking; orienteering; busking; abseiling, rock climbing; parkour.
- Finally there is a list of activities of “Accessable Activity” that require a permit and a fee eg: weddings, parties, markets, concerts, outdoor movies or shows, fire twirling (5+ people), food stalls.
How to apply for a permit
You will need to apply to Council at least 20 business days (or four weeks) before the event or activity. Council could send you an information notice and if you don’t reply to Council by the due date they will cancel your booking.
Other features of the Local Law
Rather than issuing you with a formal compliance notice, Council officers will be given ‘oral direction’ powers.
This means you can verbally be told to “stop the conduct” and to “leave the Council land” or “take specified actions to avert or remedy the contraventions.”
I’m worried how this will be implemented, especially for multicultural groups who may not understand a direction being issued by the officer.
Fines can be handed out for $2,277 to $5,692.50.
Tell Council what you think – put in a submission
The submission closing date has been extended to 10 October, 2014. Send your submission to:
The Chief Executive Officer
Brisbane City Council
GPO Box 1434
Brisbane Qld 4001
or email to:
I would encourage you to make a submission.