Lee CunXin

Director Lee CunXin trains with the Queensland ballet

The World Premiere of a new production of Copelia will launch Queensland Ballet’s season next year, while the Nutcracker will become a regular Christmas feature and crowd pleaser, starting here in 4101 on 5th December.

Running from April 14 until May 10, the ballet will be choreographed by Greg Horsmann. Mr Horsmann told the ballet faithful at Brisbane Town Hall on Monday that Copellia has framed his career.

Director of Queensland Ballet, Lee CunXin, known to many as Mao’s last dancer, presented the 2014 program, announcing that the ballet has Sir … Romeo Juliet, with three international stars performing in the main roles at various times, giving both audiences and dancers a taste of the heights of this soaring art form.

The famous production of Romeo and Juliet, choregraphed by Sir Kenneth McMillan to Prokiev’s music has been closely guarded by McMillan’s widow and it is considered a real coup to have the performance here from 27 June to 5 July.

The crowd pleaser, though, both at the launch this week and for the programs to come will be the Nutcracker Suite as a regular Christmas treat. The first outing kicks off here in 4101 in two months. So popular is this ballet set to Tchaikoskvy’s music that the season has sold out and new shows have had to be added to the program by popular demand.