yogafest danceIf you’ve ever wanted to try yoga, the Brisbane YogaFest offers a free Yoga class open to every size, age and level of fitness. Taught by registered Yoga teacher Nirvana Pilkington, you will experience a taste of the benefits yoga can bring to you.

The free class runs 9.20am Sunday 13th July, and is held undercover in the beautiful grounds of the Old Museum, Bowen Hills, where you can also peruse market stalls, sample delicious vegetarian food, and enjoy a massage at the festival.

YogaFest is Australia’s longest running and largest yoga festival, and attracts yoga lovers from all around the country. It is renowned for its peaceful atmosphere and the quality and variety of the teachers and performers that take part. Classes range from gentle to challenging, with a diversity of styles and approaches to provide a varied program to choose from.

The festival includes over 90 presenters offering yoga classes and workshops exploring yoga related topics such as Emotional Anatomy, Ayurvedic Cooking, Laughter Yoga, Qigong, Bodywork, Mantra Meditation, Ayurvedic Astrology, Yoga Nidra, Vedic Chanting, Mindfulness Meditation, and more! There are also many dance workshops to take part in, such as Bollywood, Nia and 5 Rhythms, and blissful live music concerts and kirtans over the 2 days of the festival.

Festival director, Jonathan Murphy explains “For experienced yoga students, there are over 35 yoga classes to choose from that are aimed at those wanting to enjoy a stronger or deeper practice, and for beginning yoga students there are 14 classes over the weekend especially suited for beginners”.

The free class on Sunday morning is a part of this offering for people new to yoga. Free Yoga Class teacher Nirvana Pilkington says “The class is a gentle introduction to the breath body connection, and the joy of being within the walls of your skin”.

Nirvana will also be teaching a circus skills class at the festival as a member of Vulcana Women’s Circus.

For more information, visit