Volunteers from boutique agencies through to major real estate franchises are committing to helping rental businesses in Queensland handle the large number of property issues arising from the flood.

Emily Sim, National Operations Manager for property management technology provider Apmasphere, says the company has designed a forum for affected businesses to request help and for the property community to volunteer assistance.

“One in seven properties in Australia is a rental property, meaning a significant number of flood damaged homes affect a tenants’ family as well as the owners,” Ms Sim explains.

“In towns and suburbs where property damage has been significant, rental premises need immediate assessment for minor through to urgent repairs, trades people need to be coordinated, displaced tenants need to be assisted, landlords need to be updated, and all of this needs to be given a priority ranking.

“An average office workforce simply cannot handle this workload,” she explained.

The Flood Support initiative is a clearing-house for property managers to offer their time in support of their colleagues affected by the Queensland floods.

“We can call tenants and check in on them and the state of the property, as well as find shelter and more permanent housing alternatives for affected tenants if their house is destroyed. We can contact landlords and advise the situation of their investment and coordinate lists of local trades people who are able to work in the aftermath of this event.”

Ampasphere will match the skill set of volunteers with businesses who ask for help via their website floodsupport.apmasphere.com

Businesses in Graceville and Ipswich have already been assisted since the site was created.

Affected businesses and willing volunteers are encouraged to visit floodsupport.apmasphere.com