The unacceptable number of Indigenous children in state care must be reduced by the next Qld government.
The number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in state care has reached the highest level ever recorded in Queensland and all parties need to commit to reducing this says the Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Protection Peak Body.
The Child Protection Peak say the trajectory of increasingly disproportionate representation has not changed and the issue must be tackled as a high priority by whoever is elected.
“We recognise that reversing and eliminating this trend demands a long-term commitment over many years,” says the Executive Officer of the Child Protection Peak Natalie Lewis. “But the immediate need must be to give Indigenous focussed recommendations and initiatives greater priority.
“A clear strategy is needed for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Controlled organisations to play a central role developing and delivering child protection services. Greater support is also needed to strengthen these organisations so they can do this work,” says Natalie.
The Child Protection Peak recognises increased collaboration with Aboriginal and Torres Strait organisations in a number of key areas. However, this commitment must be sustained.
“A recommitment to continue the reform agenda proposed by the Carmody Inquiry is also needed. This area needs to be given a greater priority and refocused to ensure the original intent of recommendations are being fulfilled,” says Natalie.
“A localised community approach to planning and delivering services is most needed. These efforts must not inadvertently result in undermining or further ostracising Aboriginal communities.
“Independent research with a particular focus on the cultural effectiveness of initiatives and programs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families is also crucial,” says Natalie.
QATSICPP provides community agencies a collective voice to Governments about the safety and wellbeing of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander children and young people.
The Child Protection Peak plays a key role ensuring stakeholders across the child protection sector work together to achieve better outcomes for Aboriginal &Torres Strait Islander children, young people and families.
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