The Boggo Road Futures group sets out its objections to a development application on the heritage gaol site.

The unique community green space at the heritage Boggo Road Goal site will become a car park for 154 cars, through road and retail strip under a development proposal currently being decided by Brisbane City Council (BCC). Public submissions to BCC have overwhelmingly objected to the proposed development. Concerned residents can still lodge objections with BCC.

The existing boulevard between Boggo Road Goal and the Ecosciences building is the last significant community green space in Woolloongabba. It also links Dutton Park Cross River Rail, the new Brisbane South State Secondary School, University of Queensland and the Princess Alexandra Hospital. The boulevard will service estimated 22,000 commuters daily, including thousands of schoolchildren on bikes, scooters and foot.

The State Government has agreed to sell the boulevard to corporate developer Stockwell Pty Ltd, provided BCC approves the development.

Stockwell’s development application will permanently extinguish the existing 11.5M wide public easement between the Gaol and Ecosciences building to build the proposed retail strip and adjoining car park. In November 2020 the State Assessment Referral Agency (SARA) report forced Stockwell to amend its plans to include a separated bike path and shade trees but did not adequately protect existing community green space.

Selling off public inner-city land for private parking goes against local and international trends toward preserving community space and encouraging active transport. Both the State Government’s Boggo Road Interim Land Use Plan and BCC’s draft Boggo Road Precinct Strategy prioritise access by public transport, bikes and foot over private vehicles. However, it is unclear whether BCC can or will take these into account.

Submissions remain open until BCC decides the application. Subject to further extension, BCC’s decision is due by on 5 March 2021.

Boggo Road Futures Group suggests making your objections known to Council before 5 March at this link:

Existing boulevard

Stockwell’s proposal

For further information see report from the ABC News here – Brisbane City Council still to decide on Boggo Road Gaol development application

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