Street planting in Portland OR

Multilevel plantings clean and capture stormwater

Parks are not simply useful for human recreation, they also help reduce air temperature and wind speed and replenish ground water supplies, all of which have knock on effects for the environment and the comfort of that most urban of creatures, you and I.

Findings from Portland Oregon last decade indicate just how dramatic the impact of green spaces in the city can be.

Key Findings:

  • Vegetated streetscape facilities (“Green Streets”) designed to handle runoff can filter water, remove pollutants, and reduce demand on stormwater infrastructure.
  • Green Streets can also serve as urban greenways that enhance the pedestrian environment, provide wildlife habitat, reduce summer air temperatures, and replenish groundwater aquifers.
  • Green streets in Portland

    Green streets have not reduced the utility for cars or pedestrians

    Green Streets can be more cost effective than traditional pipe upsize and replacement projects.

  • Development of sample designs, standard details, policy, and technical guidance documents support implementation by the private sector.

For more information view the full Green Street Program report