A couple of years ago, I participated in a University study for people with knee arthritis, and I found it helpful in several ways. I learned about my condition and how to manage it, and I got some free physiotherapy and equipment. Oh, and it worked!
The Centre for Health, Exercise and Sports Medicine at The University of Melbourne is again conducting a research study for knee osteoarthritis across Australia. They are looking for participants at four sites across Brisbane.
IF YOU are aged over 45 and have had knee pain on most days of the past month, you may be eligible to participate in the study.
The study is comparing two different methods for delivering physiotherapy for people with knee pain.
Researchers cannot tell you what the delivery methods are, but both groups will receive quality care by a physiotherapist over a three month period, including strengthening exercise programs and physical activity plans. There is no cost involved.
What are the opportunities for participants?
The time commitment for participants will involve five 30-40 minute physio appointments and completing four questionnaires.
If eligible, you will receive five free physio consultations, information about osteoarthritis and some exercise equipment (resistance bands and a fitness tracker).
You can Register/Apply at www.peakstudy.com.au.