
Women working for peace

WILPF Peacewomen Awards recognise women’s dedication to peace.

Four outstanding Queensland women will be publicly recognised for their important work promoting peace, justice and human rights at the WILPF Peacewomen Awards on 2 May at COTAH restaurant / South Brisbane TAFE.

This year’s awardees are UNAA National Vice President Virginia Balmain, refugee rights advocate Frederika Steen, and Gitie House, President of the Toowoomba International Multicultural Society. For the first time ever, WILPF also recognises the work and dedication of a young and emerging peace woman: Claire Maizonnier has just completed a dual degree in peace and conflict analysis and development, and is currently volunteering for Centro de Bartolome de Las Casas  in Peru, an organisation that focuses on the development and inclusion of Andean culture in Peru’s cultural and economic development.

The Peacewomen Awards were established by the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) to acknowledge women’s important contributions to a more peaceful society.

“The event has been an outstanding success in the past”, convenor Patricia Dwyer said. “We are looking forward to another inspiring and uplifting awards ceremony in 2014.”

“This year’s chosen theme is Freedom, a concept with many connotations ranging from freedom from war and oppression to freedom of speech, or freedom of expression,” she said.

The Peacewomen Awards were established in the lead up to the centenary of WILPF, an international organisation dedicated to promoting peace and disarmament. Next year, the first national Peacewomen Awards will be held in Canberra to celebrate 100 years of women standing up for peace.

The Peacewomen Awarrds also raise awareness of UN Security Council resolution 1325 that urges to increase the participation of women in peace processes.

The 2014 awards will be celebrated in an early evening cocktail format with a high profile guest speaker and live entertainment by the Brisbane Combined Unions Choir. The cost for the event is $40 or $20 for full time students, which includes wine and fingerfood. Registrations by 22 April are essential, please refer to

For more information on the registrations please contact Norma Forrest on  3207 7929 or  0407 768 873, email: