Audiologist Andrew Campbell is advocating for greater emphasis to be placed on hearing health following research which has connected untreated hearing loss to dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

A research study conducted by Johns Hopkins Medical Centre indicates hearing loss can increase the risk of dementia by up to 500 percent.1

Chief Audiologist at Campbell Cosmetic Hearing Andrew Campbell said greater awareness is needed to reduce the devastating effects of dementia where the body outlives the mind by ten harrowing years on average.

“These new findings demonstrate the importance of discussing hearing with patients and being proactive in addressing brain health,” Mr Campbell said.

“A lack of hearing will under stimulate the hearing centres in the brain – a condition called auditory deprivation, and this in addition to social isolation associated with untreated hearing loss is what leads to cognitive decline.

“There is no cure for dementia or Alzheimer’s, but hearing loss is manageable, and effective treatment can prevent these dreadful diseases.

“We’ve applied this to practice by stressing the importance of regular auditory testing to our clients and their families, and helping to educate people on the dire consequences of auditory deprivation.

“Recently, I’ve created a series of seminars, which are presented to the public free of charge, to educate and inform the broader community about the importance of auditory health,” he said.

Dementia also has a number of economic repercussions in Australia with the nation spending $4.9 billion on health and aged-care expenditure relating to dementia.

This figure is expected to rise to an astronomical $83 billion by 2060. 2

Andrew Campbell has invested in research and overseas study on this subject over the past 10 years to inform his seminar series. He is soon to launch NeuAudio, and organisation focussed on brain health and hearing awareness.

Andrew Campbell will be hosting a brain health and hearing seminar in the Heritage Boardroom of NAB building on 308 Queen Street on 28 November from 5:30pm until 7:00pm – a free event which requires RSVP.

More information can be found at, and event enquiries can be sent to or 07 3256 4666.

1Lin et al. 2011. The John Hopkins Study on Hearing and Cognition. Retrieved from

2Alzheimers Australia. 2018. Dementia Statistics. Retrieved from