The Australian Marine Conservation Society (AMCS) today welcomed Labor’s commitment to support large scale renewable energy generation and solar and energy efficiency measures in schools.

Fight For Our Reef Campaign Director Imogen Zethoven said that the future survival of the Great Barrier Reef depends on a rapid switch from coal to clean renewable energy.

“Over the past two summers, 49% of shallow water corals died on the Great Barrier Reef due by climate change, driven mainly by the burning of coal and gas.

“Our Great Barrier Reef is in grave danger. The biggest threat to its survival is climate change. The solution is solar and wind power.

“It’s not too late to save the Reef but time is fast running out. That’s why AMCS today welcomes the commitment today to push ahead with a clean energy future for Queensland.

“Labor’s policy announcement is good for the Reef and good for regional jobs.

“Labor’s policy stands in stark contrast to the LNP’s support for a new coal fired power station in North Queensland.

“The LNP should drop support for new coal fired power and embrace a plan for a rapid switch to renewable energy to protect Queensland’s and Australia’s greatest natural asset.

“A new coal fired power station will add to the danger facing the Reef. It shows a complete disregard for the 64,000 jobs that depend on a healthy Reef.

“The vast majority of Queenslanders support solar not coal. It’s time the LNP renounced its addiction to coal and embraced a future for the Reef and renewables”, Ms Zethoven said.  |