sorryday2016You’re invited to attend a special service to remember the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children forcibly removed from their families, communities and cultural identity.

National Sorry Day is an annual event that has been held in Australia on or about 26 May, since 1998, to remember and commemorate the mistreatment of the country’s indigenous population

The event is being organised by local community organisation Link-Up Aboriginal Corporation, and will begin with a free hot breakfast at 8 am, followed at 9 am by guest speakers including Sen Claire Moore, Deputy Premier Ms Jackie Trad MP and local Councillor Jonathan Sri.

Members of the Stolen Generations will recount their personal experience of forced removal, and there will also be a number of musical, vocal and dance performances.

The event is being held on the site of Cranbrook House, which acted as an Aboriginal Girls’ Home in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries.

Link-Up (Qld) is a community based, non-profit organisation funded by Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Department of Social Services, Attorney-General’s Department  I  Ministry for the Arts, Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services.

Sorry Day Commemoration
Friday 27th May 2016

Orleigh Park
Cnr Forbes St & Riverside Terrace HILL END Q 4101
Breakfast from 8 am.
Proceedings from 9 am.