National Speaking tour with Tim Jenkin and Karel Boele
Brisbane, 27th April 2015: Imagine going shopping without cash or a credit card. Globally, in thousands of communities, people participate in some form of complementary currency exchange, and manage to do just that.
Tim Jenkin,who will be in Australia in May to talk about complementary currencies, says: “I can go to Australia and get accommodation, food and transport and whatever I need. And I don’t have to take a credit card with me or convert dollars. I don’t have to understand anything about the exchange rate. I simply go there and get what I need.”
Tim came to prominence as a campaigner against apartheid with Nelson Mandela and made one of the greatest prison escapes in South African history.
In recent years he has turned his activism to establishing the largest community currency network (CES), a global, community-based, network of complementary currency exchange groups.
Tim says we need new currencies because, the “money system is at the root of most of the misery, suffering and problems faced by humanity. It is also the prime factor behind the environmental crises we face.”
Karel Boele, in a partnership with CES, worked with the NSW Government to provide timebanking in 70 communities across the state. In 2009 Karel worked with the Cambodian Government to develop legislation for the Cambodian Stock Exchange.
“I believe a diversification of currency structures, many different types of currencies and many of them can lead to improved lifestyles, less financial stress, and a more stable economy,” Karel says.
Karel was a candidate in the recent Queensland state election standing for People Decide (PD), a participatory democracy platform.
Where and when you can hear Tim and Karel
5:30 – 8:30pm Wednesday 6th May Adelaide LETS
Invitation event.
6 – 7:30pm Thursday 7th May City of Port Adelaide Enfield, Waterside Hall, 11 Nile St
5 – 6:30pm Wednesday 13th May NSW Volunteering
Invitation event.
7:30 – 10pm Wednesday 13th May Dinner
North Queensland
15th – 17th May National LETS Conference, Quinola Lakes, Malanda
9am – 1pm Saturday 23rd May Southside Uncovered, Annerley Community Hub, 556 Ipswich Rd
4 – 8pm Sunday 24th May BrisLETS, 15 Orient Rd, Yeronga
*bring a healthy plate of food to share
Politics in the Pub
6 for 6:30pm Wednesday 27th May
The Loft, 100 Boundary St, West End
Public Event, supported by Westender and West End Community Association
rsvp or 0412 029 663
Tour supported by Aus LETS, CES, Jnana and People Decide