Karagh-Mae is standing for the Animal Justice Party. Here’s Karagh’s statement from her Facebook page.
The two major parties have been in power so long that they believe they are the only ones capable of governing and have the right to do so, but they don’t. Finger pointing and personal attacks are taking place over policy action. The public is fed up with not being listened to or consulted on issues that are affecting their lives and the future of this State. With my investigative experience I know how to find the facts and expose the lies. I am not a politician, I am running to get things done in South Brisbane.
We, the Animal Justice Party are not a one policy party – we stand for rights of people and animals – in everything that entails.
Domestic violence is endemic in Queensland and I know that it is affecting a large number of my constituents. Politicians are failing to address the issue and its causes. We need refuge shelters and rescues that cater for victims, their children and their companion animals. Currently there are very few places to go. Victims won’t leave unless they can leave with everyone; it is crucial that government intervenes instead of relying on the community sector to save the day. The Animal Justice Party understands the links between violence towards animals progressing to violence towards humans. This is well documented and should become the basis for sentencing laws.
I will push for tougher sentences for offenders who are violent towards humans and animals. Our community cries foul every time a violent offender gets off without jail to go on to the next victim, human or nonhuman. I am going public on this platform to stop this. It is not okay. We must send a strong message that violence towards animals and interpersonal violence will never be accepted in our communities.
We love our companion animals and a lot of Queenslanders worry about where their dog or cat may have come from. Overbreeding, inbreeding, health issues, and neglect are prolific in the ‘pet’ industry. We need to do better for the animals. The Animal Justice Party will introduce tough laws on commercial breeding to stop these issues and to reduce the number of animals who ultimately end up neglected or abandoned in shelters. We will also expand the scope and strength of existing legislation; the Labor Government’s weak attempt to regulate the industry only applies to some dog breeds and even then it’s almost impossible to regulate the conditions of remote puppy farms selling online and to ‘pet’ stores. We want better welfare for ALL companion animals, not just some.
The greyhound racing industry lost its social licence a long time ago; it was shattered after the 2015 live baiting expose by Animal Liberation Queensland. The Animal Justice Party will work for an immediate end to this “sport” — Queenslanders are sick of the deaths, injuries, mass graves, and tens of millions of taxpayer dollars spent by our government to prop up this outdated industry.
I am passionate about making a difference. The public are frustrated by inaction on animal, environmental and social justice issues. I am committed to making a better life for our community and animals especially in equal rights for all. Politics is the only way to see real change but it is time that we got rid of the career politicians.
Please support an end to those ghastly Melbourne Cup events on a day that is not a holiday in Qld and certainly not a holiday for the over-whipped horses! Thanks!