Community groups in West End and South Brisbane said yesterday they reject the State Planning Minister’s decision to support the Lord Mayor’s plan for the Kurilpa Sustainable Growth Precinct and refute the Minister’s claim that it will deliver affordable housing in the precinct.

On Wednesday, the State Planning Minister, Mr Steven Miles, announced that the State Government supports the Temporary Local Planning Instrument (TLPI) Plan for the Kurilpa Precinct. The Planning Minister said he will now work with the Council to refine the outcomes for the Kurilpa Sustainable Growth Precinct, with a stronger emphasis on affordable housing, saying:

“We are committed to working with councils to unlock new and different types of housing where we can that meets the needs of our changing households.”

“I support Brisbane City Council’s proactive action to unlock more homes. We will work together to ensure this precinct can also deliver affordable housing options for Queenslanders,” Mr Miles said.

But community group Kurilpa Futures claims the Minister needs to provide more detail about how affordable housing will be achieved and over what time-frame.

“The Council claims that the TLPI will deliver an effective response to the urgent need for housing supply, diversity, and affordability aren’t credible because:

      • The high-rise residential towers take years to build, they provide a limited range of housing types and tenures and 
      • It is not financially feasible to build affordable housing on some of the highest value land in the State,” Kurilpa Futures said in a statement.

“This flawed proposal would allow mega development on a flood plain. The Minister has ignored the clear “no” message from thousands of residents in Kurilpa and beyond.”

 “We are appalled and angry that the Minister has ignored the clear “no” message from thousands of residents in Kurilpa and beyond who signed petitions, participated in a community forum, wrote letters, and responded to a government online survey objecting to the proposed TLPI.”

Kurilpa Futures said the Minister’s decision sends a clear signal to residents in five other nominated hubs: Milton, Toowong, Woolloongabba, Albion, and Newstead that the state government will allow Council to use this planning instrument in their neighbourhoods as well.

This decision sends a clear message that local residents have no voice in the decisions that affect them. Today’s announcement will further undermine public confidence in the developer-driven planning system in Southeast Queensland. “

West End Community Association (WECA) said Dr Miles has ignored the community’s calls for safe, well-serviced, and statutory planned neighbourhoods. 

“We are disappointed and angry that he has broken his word to stop new buildings in flood zones and keep people safe.”

“Truly Affordable Housing is delivered by not-for-profit entities such as government (any level), community housing providers, community developers and housing co- operatives. Profit driven developers/property owners will not deliver and maintain Affordable Housing,” WECA said in a statement yesterday.

Local MP Amy MacMahon for South Brisbane said the Queensland government has failed to deliver affordable and social housing.

“Does Labor really think anyone believes that giving more power and access to wealthy investors and developers, or some more vague targets, will end the housing crisis? They’ve been telling us this for decades, but housing is only getting more and more expensive,” Ms MacMahon said.

“If Labor genuinely wanted to end their housing crisis and not just prop up their developer mates, they would freeze rents and just build tens of thousands of good quality public homes.

“Just having vague targets or asking developers nicely to provide affordable housing clearly won’t work. The government has to mandate that at least 25% of all new developments be allocated as public housing, as the Greens have already put to parliament”.

Trina Massey, Greens Councillor for The Gabba Ward, joined Ms MacMahon in her concerns.

 “There is nothing affordable about this TLPI. Tens of thousands of people are already struggling to make market rents. A vague target for future development does absolutely nothing for the housing crisis at hand.”

 “The state government has signalled an open season for Brisbane City Council and their developer mates to undemocratically suspend the City Plan across Brisbane by using TLPIs. Communities across Brisbane should be rightly concerned,” Cr Massey said.

The ABC reported yesterday that the final Kurilpa plan is set to be released at the end of the year. WECA said once the decision is made and the approved document posted, they will conduct an in-depth analysis. 


An Expert view on the Kurilpa Precinct TLPI.