Help is on hand over the Christmas period for any Queenslander experiencing domestic, family or sexual violence with DVConnect’s helplines operating 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence Di Farmer said DVConnect would remain open over Christmas and help was just a phone call away for anyone who needed it.
“The holiday period can be stressful for any family, with additional pressures like financial stress, alcohol, custodial disputes, or even spending additional time with family members and relatives,” she said.
“Unfortunately, for families who are at risk of violence, those additional pressures can result in mean increased incidents of domestic and family violence incidents over the Christmas, school holidays and New Year.
“It’s vitally important people know where they can turn to for help.
“DVConnect and their specialist counsellors are there any time of the day or night to help people get the support they need to stay safe.
“They can help women and children escape violence and abuse and find a safe place to stay.
“They can also link people to confidential counselling including throughout Christmas and New Year.
“Remember, help is always just a phone call away – no matter what time of day or night it is, even on public holidays.”
Ms Farmer said anyone in immediate danger of domestic, family or sexual violence or anyone who is concerned about someone who might be experiencing domestic, family or sexual violence should immediately call the Police on 000.
For Queenslanders needing assistance:
- Police: 000
- DVConnect Womensline: 1800 811 811
- DVConnect Mensline: 1800 600 636
- Kids Helpline: 1800 551 800
Additional information and support is also available at