I know we all like to treat our fur kids and to make them feel part of the festivities however there are some basic rules you should follow and make sure to keep an eye on the tricksters around the table!

The following is a list of eights food items you should NOT feed your fur kid this festive season:

  • Chocolate
  • Nutmeg
  • Grapes and raisins
  • Avocados
  • Macadamia nuts
  • Onions and garlic
  • Turkey skin, pork crackling, sausages and fatty meats
  • Alcohol

BUT I have good news!!

Your fur kid can enjoy small amounts of turkey meat, vegetables including potatoes, eggs, fruit and a small amount of chicken skin. If you want to make a special meal for your fur kid I suggest looking at Pinterest or Google for “dog friendly Christmas meal”. There are many healthy and lean ideas to make sure the fur kid doesn’t miss out!

Contacts you should have saved in case of poisoning or sickness during the festive season:

Animal Poisons Hotline (follow their social media accounts – they have VERY helpful posts) 1300 869 738

Animal Emergency Centre (based where Greencross Vets Woolloongabba is) is a 24hr vet call them before attending 3456 0500

Enjoy and remember these easy tips to keep you and your fur kid safe around all the amazing festive food!

Image: Shutterstock