Golden Dawn supporters.

Golden Dawn supporters.

Golden Dawn rally organised by Australia First Party was held in South Brisbane and Brisbane CBD earlier today.

In support of imprisoned Golden Dawn members in Greece, Australia First Party had announced online a rally would be held in their support outside the Greek Club in West End, then later march to the Greek Consulate Office in Brisbane CBD.

As a response Antifa (Antifaschistische Aktion) members had announced online counter-protests at both locations.

Before 11 am the numbers on both sides were few at Cnr Russel St and Edmonstone St.

Antifa and trades counter-protesting.

Antifa and tradies counter-protesting.

About five to six supporters of Golden Dawn were present, while about ten or more had arrived for the counter-protest.

After 11 am Golden Dawn supporters had reached a number of about 10 to 12, while the counter-protesters had grown to about the double.

Later the counter-protest side was joined by a large group of tradies who were very vocal in their disagreement of the Golden Dawn supporters.

With the support of the tradies the counter-protesters had grown to about 100 to 120 people.

A scuffle between protesters.

A scuffle between protesters.

There was a minor scuffle where the police had to intervene and separate the two groups before anyone got injured.

After separating the two groups to each side of Edmonstone St the protest continued peacefully with counter-protesters loudly chanting.

Between 12 pm and 1 pm Golden Dawn supporters decided to move their rally into Brisbane CBD to rally outside the Greek Consulate Office, the police led them around the block and dispersed the counter-protesters to avoid further confrontations between the two groups.

The majority of counter-protesters eventually caught up with the Golden Dawn supporters outside the Greek Consulate Office they continued their opposing chants.

That confrontation led to the dispersal of the Golden Dawn rally after 1 pm, where the Golden Dawn supporters in a hurry left the CBD in taxis.

Golden Dawn supporters interviewed by John Safran.

Golden Dawn supporters interviewed by John Safran.

Golden Dawn supporters surrounded in CBD by counter-protesters.

Golden Dawn supporters surrounded in CBD by counter-protesters.

Golden Dawn supporters surrounded by police and media.

Golden Dawn supporters surrounded by police and media.