Jackie Trad, Member for South Brisbane and Deputy Premier, Minister for Transport and Minister for Infrastructure and Planning, has come out strongly against the recently released University of Queensland’s Draft Master Plan, which includes a “Green” bridge to Orleigh Park.

Here’s a letter Jackie Trad has just sent to her constituents.

The University of Queensland (UQ) Draft Master Plan was released for community consultation on 13 March 2016.

Many locals have raised serious concerns, particularly regarding the green bridge connection to West End through Orleigh Park. I’ve listened to these concerns and agree that the proposed location of the bridge is unacceptable, adding to traffic congestion and cutting into important and much loved local green space.

I do not support UQ’s current proposal for a bridge through Orleigh Park.

There is no question that UQ is one of Queensland’s preeminent educational institutions and is critical to our state’s ability to grow as a globally competitive knowledge economy.

While I’m always looking for better ways to connect our community with UQ, the current solution is simply unacceptable.

We are very fortunate to enjoy one of the last remaining riverside parks in Brisbane. Orleigh Park is an essential part of our lifestyle. It’s where we celebrate special occasions or just come together as neighbours, kick the ball around with our kids or walk the dog. I’ll always fight to protect this special part of our community.

I have spoken to the UQ Vice Chancellor and can confirm that he is open to working with the State Government and major stakeholders to find the best solution. It has to be done right and it has to be done in full consultation with the community.

I’ll be sure to keep you up to date on any progress on this issue.