Sex, Lies and Betrayal is a one-woman show performed by the talented actress and singer Karla Hillam. This show is simple and highly effective. Hillam portrayed a veteran Hollywood star recounting her stories of love, passion, and career on the phone to the editor of her memoir.

The stage was in perfect 1940s film-noir style: an old record player, a phone with a stylish handset, a bolstered armchair, and the beautiful body of Hillam dressed in a nightgown and sinuously moving across the room. Hillam’s soft red hair and make-up deserve special mention as they were on point and captivating.

One might be cautious of a one-actor show, but Hillam did a spectacular job in holding the stage by herself for one hour. At the beginning of the show, she poured herself a glass of rum and put on some background music to talk on the phone with her editor. In-between her stories, she reinterpreted the songs of by Edith Piaf, Frank Sinatra, Marlene Dietrich, KD Lang, Christina Aguilera, among others. I found it impressive that she had the voice to speak and sing for one hour uninterrupted. I also enjoyed the erotic style of her memoirs, but passion and pain travel on the same plane in Sex, Lies and Betrayal.

Coming up from Melbourne for Anywhere Festival, JTM Production created an entertaining show that satisfies the taste of film-noir lovers and those who enjoy a good gossip. It also offers some food for thought to the more thoughtful interested in the compromises that women make to be in, and succeed in, a male-dominated environment like Hollywood.

“Sex, Lies, Betrayal” had its World Premiere in Brisbane from 6-9 May.

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