Last week, the Brisbane City Council revealed plans for a comprehensive transport study along the Montague Road corridor in West End and South Brisbane. The study aims “to better understand the challenges and opportunities for all modes of transport along Montague Road and how these interact with travel within the Kurilpa peninsula,” according to the official announcement on the Council’s website.
Brisbane City Council told The Westender, that flyers were distributed to 21,000 residents and businesses in West End, South Brisbane and Highgate Hill to notify the local community about the first phase of community consultation. Digital copies were also distributed to key stakeholders.
Signage has also been installed at multiple locations along the corridor to encourage people visiting Montague Road to have their say.
A Council spokesman said the Montague Road Transport Study is being undertaken on behalf of the State Government.
In November 2019, the State Government released the South Brisbane Transport and Mobility Study Report. The report focused on active transport for the Kurilpa Peninsula and inner south suburb and provided a number of recommendations in respect to Montague Road.
The current initiative stems from a commitment made during the 2020 election campaign by the then local member for South Brisbane, Jackie Trad, and Minister for Transport and Main Roads, Mark Bailey. They pledged $1 million to fund a masterplan for the Montague Road corridor, with the intention of seeking a 50/50 partnership with Brisbane City Council.
Ms Trad said when announcing the funding that she had written to the Lord Mayor, “seeking his support for the proposed study which she said could lead to investment in a new ferry terminal at Victoria Street, additional greenspace on Montague Road, more safe pedestrian crossings, a reduction in the speed limit to 40 km/h, and boulevarding of key streets.”
Council has advised that feedback on the State Government’s South Brisbane Transport and Mobility Study will be considered as part of the current study.
In September 2022, Minister Mark Bailey confirmed that the State Government had transferred $1 million to Brisbane City Council for the corridor study. The Council emphasised that community feedback, gathered through a survey and a mapping tool, would be considered alongside technical data to develop a comprehensive transport study.
The community consultation period runs from 13 November to 10 December 2023, with no provision for face-to-face engagement with residents by Council officers.
Community responses
In 2022, Kurilpa Futures, Queensland Ballet, and local residents initiated the Montague Road Project, which included a survey and community workshop. In collaboration with participants, the project team launched the Community Vision for Montague Road in March 2023 at the Queensland Ballet’s Thomas Dixon Centre.
The vision proposed Montague Road as Brisbane’s coolest, greenest, and most water-wise street.
“Imagine a Forest Parkland at Kurilpa Point, protected lanes for mobility devices and bicycles, a village experience with public spaces for community connection and much more”, said local resident and Montague Road Project Group Member Maurice McCallum at the launch.
Organisers saw this ‘Community Vision’ as the starting point to guide precinct-wide and individual projects in the run-up to the Olympics.
The Montague Road project team has expressed concern about the timing of the announced City Council survey, coinciding with the start of the main summer school holidays. They are also disappointed about the absence of face-to-face engagement, highlighting the value of personal interaction in obtaining genuine feedback.
“Families and general road users will be occupied with end-of-school year activities and the level of survey response will inevitably suffer from being prioritised by other family matters.”
The Montague Road project team also noted that it was only in 2022, following persistent community pressure, that the initial commitment of $1 million (originally proposed as an equal contribution from both the state and council in 2020) was revived, taking another 12 months to formalise.
“Given five years of missed opportunity, it is hoped that the study will finally result in a positive, strategic plan for the Montague Road community; with planning for people at the heart of this critical project,” Mr McCallum said.
Kurilpa Futures is holding a pop-up information session in the picnic shed at the river end of Forbes Street on Saturday 2 December from 11.00am.
Seleanah More, President of West End Community Association said the three year roll out of this study shows that infrastructure is a low priority for both levels of government.
“I note that the Kurilpa TLPI which will allow an extra 10,000 dwellings and up to buildings of 90 storeys went from a Lord Mayor announcement to Minister’s approval in eight months.”
“So, now with planned densification to rival Hong Kong, WECA expects the findings from this Study will lead to quick and direct implementation of recommendations following a Council and State election in 2024.”
Ms More said that with more families moving into the area and living in high-rise, investment for the Montague Road precinct should focus on pedestrian infrastructure, particularly for children.
“If our footpaths, separated bike lanes and crossings are safe for a six-year-old to walk or ride to school, to soccer training, and a mate’s place, then it’s a sign of equality and efficiency for the city.”
Local Councillor Response
Local Councillor for The Gabba, Trina Massey acknowledged the study’s potential to influence future implementation plans but stressed as a first priority the need for comprehensive participation and engagement from the West End and South Brisbane communities.
“The second priority is to ensure that future designs and concepts are delivered in partnership with the community, in transparency, and with budget allocation from both the State and BCC.”
Cr Massey said key concerns raised with her by residents about Montague Road include:
- Pedestrian safety, particularly at the intersection of Montague Road, Drake Street and Ferry Road.
- Pedestrian amenities including a green, walkable road with significant tree canopy and sustainable elements, including footpath upgrades.
- Safe, separated bike lanes that could also accommodate the increase in electric scooter usage (both private and rented).
- Traffic concerns related to the rapid increase in density.
“Businesses have raised safe active transport and increasing the connectivity and visible amenities, particularly from the Queensland Theatre to Drake Street,” Cr Massey said.
Ms Massey is also advocating for a new Ferry Terminal on the south side of the River at Victoria Street in West End.
Regarding the timing of the study, Cr Massey criticised political infighting for a rushed approach and the absence of face-to-face elements. She advocated for diverse touchpoints, including forums and pop-ups, to ensure a robust and inclusive consultation process.
“The addition of the mapping tool accommodates the different user groups and their input. Diverse input from different user types will deliver more robust concepts for future implementation.”
A Council spokesperson advised the Westender that further consultation, including face-to-face sessions, will take place in mid-2024 following this initial phase of consultation.
In the meantime, they say, “Local residents and organisations, including Queensland Ballet and Kurilpa Futures, are encouraged to have their say via the online survey.”
If you would like to find out more information or ask any questions you can:
- phone the project team on 1800 669 416 during business hours
- phone Council’s Contact Centre on 07 3403 8888 (24 hours)
- email the project team.