Brisbane “Artivists” reflect on Paris climate deal for free public event.

Artists and activists from Brisbane who traveled to Paris for the global climate talks will reflect on their experience as part of an evening of reflection and discussion on 1st February in West End.

The historic Paris climate deal followed weeks of intense negotiations and a wave of public mobilisations including the largest ever climate marches across Australia. But what was it like on the ground at the talks? And what does the climate deal really mean for tackling global warming?

The public is invited to a free public event to hear reflections from Brisbane residents who were in Paris for the talks:

  • Zoe Buckley-Lennox : Climate activist and Climate Guardian Angel who took part in several actions during the talks
  • Dr Leah Barclay & Dr Toby Gifford from Griffith University who encouraged leaders to listen to nature and take greater climate action by installing an interactive sound piece on the Eiffel Tower — Rainforest Listening.

Zoe, Toby and Leah will tell stories from their time in Paris – and take part in a facilitated discussion about what next for the climate movement here in Australia and globally.

This event is hosted by the Bar of Social Conscience (BOSC) and Brisbane – it is free and open to the public.

This event will also be the OFFICIAL LAUNCH of the campaign calling for Brisbane City Council to DIVEST from fossil fuels.

WHERE: Bar of Social Conscience, 69 Vulture Street, West End, Brisbane

WHEN: Monday 1st February, 6-8pm

MORE INFO and to RSVP:, 0450 944 114

PHOTO: Zoe Buckley Lennox from Brisbane, travelled to the Paris climate talks as part of the climate guardian angels (pictured) and will speak at a free public event on Monday 1st February.

Facebook event Information here