The Westender recently wrote to the candidates for the Electorate of Griffith in the coming Federal Election.

Read the response below from One Nation candidate, Shari Ware.

This is her first run for the seat of Griffith.

Can you provide a brief outline of your background, work/interests, and your key achievements?

I was a single mum and foster carer who worked full time. I’ve been a bookkeeper for over 20 years and a small business owner. Through my own health journey I became extremely passionate about helping people to change their health story one change at a time and I have dedicated my life to that over the past several years.

How and why you think your values align with those of your party.

I align with One Nation as it’s a party that’s all about smaller, smarter, cost-effective government, with less red and green tape and the ability for people to have a say in the decisions that affect their lives rather than have politicians dictate to us how to live our lives.

What changes have you seen in the electorate since the last election in 2019. What does that mean for this election?

I’ve met some really nice people in my various community engagements and the feedback that I’ve received is quite consistent. Most people are really concerned with the excessively high cost of living, limited housing availability, over-reaching mandates and massive disappointment in the direction the major political parties have taken our country.

What key policies differentiate your party from other parties? 

We have some great policies, from lowering the cost of living to ensuring cost effective base load energy, water security, nation building infrastructure projects that will generate employment opportunities. Our apprenticeship scheme that was adopted by the LNP last Federal election. Leaving the United Nations and regaining our own Australian Sovereignty and one of my personal favourites, the citizen initiated referenda, which gives people a say in the decisions that affect our lives and prevents politicians dictating to us how to live our lives.

Policy is easy; implementation is hard. How will you achieve your key policy outcomes? 

If elected I’m more than happy to work with anyone of any political subscription for better outcomes for all people of our electorate. I also bring bipartisan support to the table as I’m willing to also work with all levels of government for the people that call our great electorate home.

The recent flood has worsened the housing crisis in Queensland. How will your party improve access to housing for the low paid workers and how will you seek to implement this change?

Housing is a state issue but in saying that, it’s a common theme, and that’s why I support our zero net immigration policy, to ensure housing stock for those who are wishing to obtain a home. Foreign investment has really jacked up the price for housing in Australia and the recent pandemic has really highlighted the problem we have with housing affordability. Putting the brakes on immigration and preventing foreign investment in housing stock will enable those entering the market an affordable reality and keep housing affordable as well as let our infrastructure catch up to the the influx of people the government is bringing into the country. The estimated 213,000 per year in immigration over the next 3 years will simply make housing unaffordable for many Australians.

 Why should voters give you their vote?

I might not have all the answers to all the problems we face but I’m willing to listen, act and work for the best interests of the people I represent.

 What do you consider are the two key issues for the electors of Griffith in 2022?

I can only gauge from the feedback I’ve received and the majority of it is the over-reaching mandates and the cost of living.  They’re a recurring theme in almost every conversation I have everywhere I go.

If this election results in a minority government, what could a party holding the balance of power achieve? Provide examples if you can.

I believe that this would result in real representation which is something we haven’t had for a very long time.  It’s not the first time in Australia’s history that it’s happened and I’m sure it wouldn’t be the last.

Internet and Social Media

You can follow Ms Ware on Facebook, HERE.

Other Griffith Candidates

Max Chandler-Mather, The Greens –  HERE

Terri Butler, ALP HERE

Olivia Roberts, LNP –  HERE 

Robert McMullan, UAPHERE

Ms Ware’s How to Vote Card

More on the Griffith Electorate here: