Local residents’ group Kurilpa Futures brings its Montague Road Project to the Thomas Dixon Centre this Sunday 11 September for a Community Forum. The group is aiming to develop a community vision that builds on the data collected in their local survey.

Anyone living near or visiting Montague Road in West End may have noticed a new feather banner flying outside supermarkets or near bus stops with locals encouraging everyone to fill out a community survey with their vision for the future of Montague Road.

“We are locals reaching out to other locals, visitors, local businesses and local workers.  We may even have knocked at your home or business!”, said local resident Maurice McCallum from the Montague Road Project. 

“The Montague Road Project has been seeded by Kurilpa Futures and Queensland Ballet as a community-initiated visioning process for the future of Montague Road to inspire community ideas and inform Council and Government projects going forward” he said.

“We understand that first up is a long sought-after traffic and transport study for Montague Road early next year so there is no time to waste.”

“We have been reaching out via face-to-face pop ups, doorknocking, Facebook and Instagram and have been receiving a great response,” said Mr McCallum.

Montague Road is experiencing a lot of cultural and physical change, with ongoing growth of new residential buildings, Queensland Ballet’s renovated home the Thomas Dixon Centre at the southern end, and a new International Broadcasting Centre planned for 2032 at the northern end.

“As a part of the Montague Road Project, Queensland Ballet is actively contributing to discussions with all levels of Government around active transport, public transport, green space, safe access and liveability in our neighbourhood”, said Queensland Ballet Executive Director Dilshani Weerasinghe.

We are striving to be a good neighbour, an active employer and a destination of choice for all, particularly our local community, and we look forward to working with the Montague Road Project to see our neighbourhood be the best it can be,” concluded Ms Weerasinghe.  

The project area is west of Hardgrave Road and then following the line of Bank Street through to Peel Street.

“Our goal is to compile a community consensus, showing how the community got to this vision, with its diverse views, to give to Council, Government and all other key stakeholders to guide them for the next ten years’ development of our local area,” said Mr McCallum.

The Montague Road Project will continue to engage with the local community and businesses throughout 2023.

See details and updates at https://kurilpafutures.org/montagueroadproject/

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